The color wheel or color mixing wheel or color mixing circle helps to select the right pigmenting color and to facilitate the mixing of colors. The color mixing wheel sorts the colors according to primary colors (red, yellow, blue), secondary colors (mixing two primary colors) and tertiary colors (mixing one primary color and one secondary [...]
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Predrawing pencils
Permanent Make-up Outline Kit Mapping Paste and Brush Elevate your Permanent Make-up game with our specially formulated Mapping Paste and brush. Ideal consistency, allowing you to create sharp and precise outlines for lips and eyebrows. Highly pigmented, ensuring that your contures are easily visible, yet it‘s easy to remove. Kit Content: White Mapping Paste + [...]
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Pre-Drawing Pencils
Pre Inked Mapping String for Permanent Make-up treatment predrawing / sketches. Ideal for marking the symmetry of eyebrows as part of the preliminary drawing for a permanent make-up eyebrow micropigmentation treatment. Easy to handle, the colored thread allows an accurate and more precise mapping of the eyebrows. Content: 10 meters of colored thread Available colour: [...]
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